The modern world is so busy, with packed schedules, and long tiring days. Have you ever thought of changing the way you go through your life? What do I mean by this? Well I'm not so sure how to explain. Let me start by sharing my favorite quote, I'm not entirely sure who said it, but it goes like this: "The perception of reality, can be more real than reality itself.". It's weird how a few short words can have such a long lasting impact on someone. I used to go about a lot of days looking at my schedule and thinking to myself, how tiring that day was going to be. Now I try to find joy in small things like making coffee and listening to music before and after my long days, I look for the smallest instances of joy each day and try to take that positivity and create my own reality.
The ability to change your own reality, depends on yourself. Sure, you can't really change or control the circumstances that life puts you through, but on the contrary, you can control how you respond emotionally and physically to each circumstance. This is applicable to a lot of things, not just bad days, having a calm and level mind during a crisis or an accident, is a valuable trait. It is important to always stay calm, assess the situation, then formulate your response. That being said, this is quite hard to manage during an actual life or death scenario as you will likely have a lot of adrenaline pumping through your veins.
How do you achieve said peace of mind and calmness? Well now we are starting to approach the point of this blog post haha. Try changing your sleep schedule if possible, try to wake up with the sun and go to sleep as the sun falls. I find that waking up in time to see the sun rise is a beautiful moment in time, you basically get a free art show. You can see the clouds change and take shape, the sun change colors from a crisp pink to a tangy orange. You learn to appreciate the world and God's creation. Try to get some fresh air in the morning and maybe watch the dawn wake up with you:)
~Angelo Ediriweera.